I have learned many things this year ranging from CIA TRIAD to now the Five Nines Concept which is somewhat easy. In one of the units during the 3 sides of CIA ( Confidentiality, availability, and also integrity, that unit was about how confidentiality works, how they are always available, and are very smart. It helps ensure that files are untouched during transfers. In integrity it verifies that files stay untouched, it sees how secured files are and designed to protect data from deletion or modification from any unauthorized party. More specifically Confidentiality is for who can access your files which allows information that could be very very confidential to be seen. The last part of the CIA Triad is Availability. Availability assures that if one server where your information is stored, there is a backup so that you can use that server's services without having much or any downtime at all.
My favorite unit from the year is all of it. Although I am not amazing at all of cybersecurity, I still somewhat enjoy it. I may not pursue that as my career but it is a thought in case something goes bad. A reason why I would do this job in the future is that it is fun, pays well, and has a lot of cool intricate things within the programs and jobs. A reason why I wouldn't do it is that it does not come easy to me at all, it is a tough unit and is hard.
My least favorite unit that we did this year was probably the cryptography unit because for one it was hard, for another it was just flat out annoying. Having to trace through takes too much time for me and it is also just too slow for me. My second least favorite unit was probably the FIVE NINES CONCEPT, this is because this unit in my opinion just flat out BORED me to death and did not make me want to listen, and that is just the truth. The last unit I did not enjoy was the most recent one in unit 7, this is because I just flat out did not enjoy this unit.
In this lab we learned about the types of markets, horizontal and vertical. This lab overall was pretty simple but was definitely overthought. All this lab helped me succeed and allowed me to understand what I needed to do which was very nice. This lab allowed me to also study to help me pass a test which was nice.
When doing this lab I struggled at first but got the hang of it. The purpose of the lab is to see if you know the difference between horizontal and vertical markets so that we know when we go into the industry. It taught us the importance of knowing the differences so that we do know what markets are targeted for certain products.
This lab was very much easy, and it was nice being able to learn some stuff that I needed no matter what. Because of this lab, I did a lot better on the test than I thought I would if I hadn't done this lab at all. In all, I think this lab was very needed and useful.
Sunny Land -
This sunny land project is done in unity, and coded in c#. This project taught me a whole bunch about how to do a lot of certain things like setting patrol points, allowing something to jump (in this game it's a frog), and allowing something to chase you and go back to patrolling until you enter the chase area again. There is an AI in this game that has a fit set of patrol points in 2 determined spots in which it patrols back and forth, When you enter the area for the Enemy to attack you the enemy will leave the patrol state and switch to a chase state to chase the player.
Also, this game shows that when I do have a few problems trying to complete something I am not afraid to ask for help. Throughout this project so far there have been quite a few bumps but overall they have all been overcome and completed.
Space Shooter
This game was once again done in Unity and coded in C#. This was one of the first projects we did this year and in unity in general. It utilized rigid bodies and gravity along with a whole bunch of code. I learned at this time how to use the key down function to shoot an object (beam) at the asteroids and enemies. It was simple and used just a couple of functions to work.
In this project we also utilized the particle animation object, we used this object to create an explosion that will appear when the enemy/asteroid is destroyed. This particle system is completely customizable and easy to use, making it a cool feature, I also added sound to mine to make it look and sound like a baller amazing game.
For this project we as a class were given the independence to make our own rendition of a board game but in unity. Me and Chace Moniz decided to do something simple and created connect 4. The first thing we did was start gathering assets for the project like the spots for the board and the pieces. After gathering the assets I started the first part of getting the pieces to place and hover over the board where the user wants to place them.
After I did that part Chace took over to make the win checks, an equally as difficult task. He first had to write the loops so that they did not extend over the size of the board. After that he made a function to get the piece script at the area and made it so that if the area is null it won’t run on it and error. The biggest challenge of this was working with another person on something other than a website for the first time.
This project was key for teaching me how to work together with others on coding.
Connect 4 also taught me how to work with many different classes simultaneously. Another thing I learned was how to work with unity to upload my project to my partner’s computer so that they could work on it with me. Lastly we learned how important it is to communicate with each other during a coding project like this, because when we didn’t we failed to work together as a group.