My Portfolio Website: HomePage

Hello my name is Lucas Castillo, I am a Senior in the Computer Science shop here at Old Colony RVTHS. I ride dirtbikes and do Airsoft competitions, and I do these all competitively. The Computer Science program at OC teaches students in the following disciplines: Programming (Python), Web Skills(HTML, CSS, JavaSript), and Cyber Security Essentials. I enjoy going home, playing with my dogs, and playing games on my computer to pass the time. I also play baseball for the school I'm at. I like to think I'm okay at baseball but I'm not sure others think so. I plan on going to the armed forces specifically the Air Force to be a pilot. When it comes to interest in the Computer Science Field it's simple, I enjoy the hardware aspect of computers, it comes easy to me and I can understand it more than anything else. The software part although sometimes interesting and sometimes fun doesn't 100% interest me when leaving school to further my education. At school, we did a lot of coding for programs and websites, most notably the OC Fall Festival Website that the show in unison created for the Fall Festival. Although it may seem like basic content it taught me a lot of new things in terms of coding, How to have a timer use a local date and time to do a countdown to a specific date and time, and display it counting down on a website. On this website we also were able to get some animations and one of the other people working on this website got a Dropdown Carrot working which he was very proud about.

I'm not much different from other people in the Computer Science shop, I just have a different personality and I enjoy some of the things that they like to do also. Outside of school, I enjoy things that all nerds do, gaming, and hobbies. Outside of school, I play a range of different games, FPS, RPG, and Shooters. But what means more to me outside of school is work. I love working and it's a huge passion of mine. Currently, I am the Ref at UBG Airsoft in Bridgewater, and that has taught me many things also. Since working there I have had a huge accomplishment, I became the Head Ref, and although it doesn't mean much to CS it's still very very important to me.

After Highschool there is a lot that I want to do with my life, I want to go to college and study Civil Engineering and business and hopefully become a pilot in the Air Force or commercial. If none of that works out I will use skills from college to complete a different career. I've always loved flying, and building. After all, I was born to fly, and born to succeed and that is what I'll do.